Social Media, Job Type, and Socio-Economic Status as Predators Promoting Psychological Well-Being in a Depressed Economy Among EBSU Staff.
C N. Ronald Oginyi
Ebonyi State University Abakaliki Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Agha M Ibiam
Sampson K Nwonyi
Ogbonnia E Eze
Dominic C Udechukwu
Francisca C Nwankwo
Chisom Oselebe


Social Media
Job Type
Socio-Economic Status
Psychological Well-Being
Depressed Economy

How to Cite

Oginyi, C., Ibiam, A., Nwonyi, S., Eze, O., Udechukwu, D., Nwankwo, F., & Oselebe, C. (2024). Social Media, Job Type, and Socio-Economic Status as Predators Promoting Psychological Well-Being in a Depressed Economy Among EBSU Staff. Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology, 7(2). Retrieved from


The growth in social media users has given rise to concerns about the impact it may have on users on psychological wellbeing. The objective of this work is to shed light on the social media, job type, socio economic status and psychological well-being. Building on contributions from various fields, it provides a more comprehensive study of the phenomena by considering a set of predators, including social media in a depressed economy.  This work includes a quantitative study of social media users from Ebonyi State University staff: (EBSU) using, descriptive statistics and correlation among the variables to test the proposed hypotheses. The work relieved notable theories as well as relevant cotemporary reviewed in the area of the current study. This work was anchored on media theory by way of theoretical framework. Results of the research study showed that job type, income and educational qualification where significant predictors of psychological well-being of Ebsu staff. This implies that job, type, income and social media, significantly related to psychological well-being of Ebsu staff.  Salient recommendations were made in line with the results and findings of the study.